Did you know?
Research is clear. Spending daily reading time with your children early on and through their teen years can have a major impact on multiple facets of their lives. While significant improvements in literacy and cognitive abilities are high on the list, it can positively influence emotional and social skills, result in greater future career success, and facilitate learning in other educational subjects. Additionally, some research indicates that spending only six minutes a day reading to a child can potentially have an immense positive impact.1
Here's what research and various sources say about the benefits ofparent‐to‐child reading:
Reading Rockets is a national public media literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help. Here are a few resources they offer to help you in your efforts to read to your children:
One of the main reasons I write stories for young readers is to create books that will build a love of reading in children's lives. When it comes to picture books, that's becoming harder and harder if you're not an illustrator as well. So, my quest to become a children's book illustrator continues.
Heart image by Ken Baker
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Thank You image by Ken Baker
1. "Texas Public Libraries: Economic Benefits and Return on Investment," Texas State Library and Archives Commission, January 2017, www.tsl.texas.gov/roi
2. "The Value of California's Public Libraries," California State Library, August 2021, www.library.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Value-of-Libraries.pdf
3. Ibid.
4. "The Power of School Libraries: Why Every Student Deserves Access," Oakland Literacy Coalition, February 2023, https://oaklandliteracycoalition.org/the-power-of-school-libraries-why-every-student-deserves-access/
5. Benjamin Barbour, "3 Key Roles of School Librarians," edutopia, May 2022, www.edutopia.org/article/3-key-roles-school-librarians/
6. "The Essential Leadership of School Librarians," International Literacy Association, 2022, www.literacyworldwide.org/docs/default-source/where-we-stand/the-essential-leadership-of-school-librarians.pdf
7. "ALA Library Fact Sheet 1," American Library Association, www.ala.org/ala/alalibrary/libraryfactsheet/alalibraryfactsheet1.htm
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Copyright 2001-2023 by Ken Baker
How to Care for your T-Rex pictures by Dave Coverly
Old MacDonald had a Dragon pictures by Christopher Santoro
Brave Little Monster pictures by Geoffrey Hayes
Cow Can't Sleep pictures by Steve Gray