When fostering a love for reading in a child, you need to discover what
works best for your family and your child. Keep in mind that a
successful effort in getting children to want to read on their own will
likely require a multi-faceted strategy.
The list below represents the responses from a little more than 40 parents who were asked what worked
for them in terms of the question, How do you get children to read?
The suggestions are listed in the order of most frequently mentioned
with the percentage of how many people mentioned that particular suggestion.
List of Best Ways to Get Children to Read
- Read every day or frequently to your children, starting at
a very young age. 55%
- Find books they will enjoy or that interest them
specifically. Every child's tastes are different (i.e., Harry Potter,
comics, non-fiction, magazines, etc.) - 21%
- Let your children see you reading. - 14%
- Take children on frequent trips to the library. - 14%
- Make reading fun. (i.e., competition, family read-a-thon,
games, flashcards, races, let them create their own books) - 12%
- Be involved in what your kids read. Know what they're
reading. Discuss with them what they're reading. - 12%
- Buy them books as gifts or let them pick their own out at
the store. - 10%
- Leverage fun DVDs, websites, or books that help young
children learn to read. - 10%
- Limit computer and TV time. - 7%
- Make lots of interesting books available to your kids.
(adventures, mysteries, classics, biographies, fantasy, encyclopedias)
- Find books that match their age or ability. (Librarians can
be a great help with this) - 7%
- Determine if they have a certain condition that makes
reading less enjoyable. (Needs glasses, audio learners vs. visual
learners) - 5%
- Don't force a book on a child. Let them read what they
want. - 5%
- Turn on closed-captions when you watch TV. - 5%
- Provide them books with lots of interesting or entertaining
pictures. - 5%
- Listen to audio books. - 5%
- Let them stay up past their bedtime to read. - 5%
Other Mentions of How to get Children to Read
- Have fathers read to their children.
- Encourage children to read books aloud. (Especially helpful
for audio learners)
- Stay away from mediocre books
- Read together as a family.
- Have a place in your house just for library books so that
it's easy keep track of them.
- Create a special reading nook in your house.