T-Rex animation Picture book animation

Why Levity Matters

Successful keynote speaker, actor, and author, Scott Christopher, explains why lightening up with humor, laughter, and gratitude can improve relationships, work environments, and your life as a whole

Text portions of this video were originally published in the November 2024 issue of Worth and Soul of Words.
How to Care for Your T-Rex
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound
Old MacDonald had a Dragon
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound
Cow Can't Sleep
Barnes & Noble
Indie Bound
Brave Little Monster
Heaven's Warrior fantasy
Deadly Dimensions SciFi

Copyright 2001-2023 by Ken Baker

How to Care for your T-Rex pictures by Dave Coverly
Old MacDonald had a Dragon pictures by Christopher Santoro
Brave Little Monster pictures by Geoffrey Hayes
Cow Can't Sleep pictures by Steve Gray